Category: concerts

concert videos

Saturday Night Concert: Candy Dulfer 2009Saturday Night Concert: Candy Dulfer 2009

~ Excellence in Action ~

You would be very, very hard-pressed to find a live band nearly as tight as this one. Funky jazz that rocks… I’ve probably watched and re-watched this concert over 100 times. It is a masterclass of live musicianship.

Once upon a time, MTV had a live concert every Saturday night. Not a recording of a show, but an actual live concert. I can’t give you a live concert every Saturday, but I can give you some excellent live concert videos of some fantastic shows, and we can all pretend its sort of the 80s all over again.

Got your own suggestions for a concert we should showcase? Drop us a line in the comments, or on our Facebook or Twitter feeds.

Saturday Night Concert: Blackberry SmokeSaturday Night Concert: Blackberry Smoke

~ Southern Country-Fried Rock ~

Blackberry Smoke are a rollicking good time whenever you can catch them live.

Once upon a time, MTV had a live concert every Saturday night. Not a recording of a show, but an actual live concert. I can’t give you a live concert every Saturday, but I can give you some excellent live concert videos of some fantastic shows, and we can all pretend its sort of the 80s all over again.

Saturday Night Concert: Trigger HippySaturday Night Concert: Trigger Hippy

~ The Original Supergroup Lineup ~

Not that they aren’t any good today, but with Joan Osbourne and Jackie Green they were just something a little different.

Once upon a time, MTV had a live concert every Saturday night. Not a recording of a show, but an actual live concert. I can’t give you a live concert every Saturday, but I can give you some excellent live concert videos of some fantastic shows, and we can all pretend its sort of the 80s all over again.

Got your own suggestions for a concert we should showcase? Drop us a line in the comments, or on our Facebook or Twitter feeds.

Saturday Night Concert: DioSaturday Night Concert: Dio

~ My 1980s Metal Favorites ~

Whether it was solo, or his 2 excellent albums with Black Sabbath, or his older Rainbow music, Ronnie James Dio was an incredible musical force in the life of teenage me.

Once upon a time, MTV had a live concert every Saturday night. Not a recording of a show, but an actual live concert. I can’t give you a live concert every Saturday, but I can give you some excellent live concert videos of some fantastic shows, and we can all pretend its sort of the 80s all over again.

Got your own suggestions for a concert we should showcase? Drop us a line in the comments, or on our Facebook or Twitter feeds.

Saturday Night Concert: The Stray CatsSaturday Night Concert: The Stray Cats

~ Those First Concert Blues ~

The Stray Cats were my first concert, and it was in 1983. But it was in Williamsburg, VA at W&M, and not in Germany.

Once upon a time, MTV had a live concert every Saturday night. Not a recording of a show, but an actual live concert. I can’t give you a live concert every Saturday, but I can give you some excellent live concert videos of some fantastic shows, and we can all pretend its sort of the 80s all over again.

Got your own suggestions for a concert we should showcase? Drop us a line in the comments, or on our Facebook or Twitter feeds.

Saturday Night Concert: Type O NegativeSaturday Night Concert: Type O Negative

0 Comments 11:44 pm

~ I mean, c’mon – it’s Halloween ~

Who else should you be playing on Halloween, other than the guys whose lead singer thinks he’s a legit vampire? The over-the-top theatrics, the nutty lyrical themes, the Neil Young cover, and the hair… oh gawd, the hair. Seriously, these guys are auditioning to be the house band at the Clan Brujah family reunion, and if that ain’t a Halloween vibe, then nothing is.

Once upon a time, MTV had a live concert every Saturday night. Not a recording of a show, but an actual live concert. I can’t give you a live concert every Saturday, but I can give you some excellent live concert videos of some fantastic shows, and we can all pretend its sort of the 80s all over again.

Got your own suggestions for a concert we should showcase? Drop us a line in the comments, or on our Facebook or Twitter feeds.

Saturday Night Concert: Duran DuranSaturday Night Concert: Duran Duran

~ At the height of the powers ~

It’s hard to describe just how —BIG— Duran Duran were from 81-85. They took some time off for some side projects and never really reassembled with the same oomph. One thing that was always under-rated was the fact that these guys could play. They really were much better musicians than anyone wanted to give them credit for.

Once upon a time, MTV had a live concert every Saturday night. Not a recording of a show, but an actual live concert. I can’t give you a live concert every Saturday, but I can give you some excellent live concert videos of some fantastic shows, and we can all pretend its sort of the 80s all over again.

Got your own suggestions for a concert we should showcase? Drop us a line in the comments, or on our Facebook or Twitter feeds.